25 June 2012

Cruisin' 2012, Part II

To pick up where I left off on the previous post...

On our 3rd day the ship docked in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, and this was intended to be the shopping day since there's pretty much nothing else to do in this stop but go shopping. First things first, however, boyfriend and I had to hit up every picture stop they had on our way out:

The boys all went off to go see the big famous blow hole and the girls all went shopping. I did get some great deals and haggled some of the vendors down a bit on their prices. I was almost quite scared, in a sense, to speak any Spanish because I didn't want to get bombarded with people trying to sell me all kinds of things. I did, on occasion speak in Spanish with those that I was serious about buying things from. 

I think boyfriends' and my favourite part of the day was the drinking. We made a stop at the World Famous Papas and Beers for drinks. The margaritas there were delicious but very sugary, but it was nice to stop in and check out the place. We even got a picture out of it.

After spending $28 on 4 margaritas we found this place about a block or two down that was having 2 for $6 margaritas and $1 tacos. Boyfriend and I just had to stop in after that sort of deal. We were so glad we did! the margaritas in this bar were the BEST that we've had...EVER! They were so delicious mainly for the fact that they were made from scratch. Upon having our first sip of them, we questioned our decision to ever go into Papas & Beers because those were definitely made from a mix while these had fresh lime juice that we even go to see them squeeze fresh:

Not to forget the food, the tacos here were very delicious. I had one of each (chicken, carne asada and fish) and the fish was fried fresh. Seriously it was the best tacos ever. The bartender was even nice enough to give us his recipe for margaritas and even told us what kind of triple sec/syrup to use! 

As you can see in the background, the place is decked out in one dollar bills that people decorated and were taped to the wall. Being the ever adventurous couple that we are (ha!), boyfriend and I decided that we HAD to leave one for the wall as well. The bartender, once again, kindly let us even go behind the bar so we could have a picture with our dollar bill that will forever be taped onto their wall in Ensenada (well, so long as their establishment is open)

For our last day on the cruise was the ever fun filled "day at sea". We spent most of the day just walking around, exploring, and even played a nice game of 'Settlers of Catan' with boyfriends' brother and his wife. All in all it was nice to be back on land an nice to have a whole week off.

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