24 June 2012

Cruisin' 2012, Part I

Just over a month ago, I got to go on my FIRST cruise!

Not only was it exciting because I'd never been on one, but it was kind of nice because I didn't have to worry about the cost of it. I mean, I kind of felt bad in a sense because my boyfriends' dad was COMPLETELY picking up the tab, but I was very grateful because he was being so very generous with everyone.

Anyways, at the time, I'd been balancing two jobs, so I was WAY ready for a WHOLE week off. This cruise has, thus far, been the trip of a lifetime. It was to be a five-day 3 stop trip, so I was super excited.

The cruise departed from Long Beach, CA, my home town so I was HOME. The first stop after it departed from Long Beach was Catalina Island on which I made it a goal to go para-sailing while there. I'd never been, and once I saw that the cruise offered it as an "excursion" I wanted to go. My boyfriend, being the person that he is, wasn't completely on board because he doesn't like not having control of things, took a little longer to convince. As soon as I told him that we could save $30 a pop AND get pictures,by purchasing the excursion on the island instead of through the ship, he was almost completely on board. Boy, am I glad that he finally agreed to go with me. Not only, was it tandem para-sailing that this company offered (so we could go together), but the pictures that they took were of some high quality. Here's one of my favorite pictures of the experience:

Boyfriends' face says it all

After boyfriend and I got back from para-sailing, the whole clan decided to go on a golf cart tour of the island, which was lots of fun. I'd never seen most of the island, so it was cool to go through places and see a lot of its natural beauty. I got some great pictures of the view as well.

Our cruise ship on the left.

That night was also Captain's Dinner night which basically means everyone has to get all fancied up for dinner which is what we all did. The dinner was delectable that night and it was nice to get dressed up for  a change, since I very rarely break out the dress and heels combo. We even did formal portraits with one of the many photographers they had stationed throughout the ship that night. 

This pose was our idea; Originally intended to be funny but everyone thinks its "cute."

 We ended the night with watching a comedy show and heading back to our room where we literally passed out for the night.

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