04 September 2011

Settling In.

After a week home I finally finished unpacking and organizing my room back home. Most of the first few days here were spent emptying out all the trash that had been accumulated in my room - not to mention making several trips to the local goodwill. A lot of the time I spent wondering why in the world I had stored the things I had personally saved before going off to college; I'm sure it seemed like my 18-year-old self would need them in the future, but my 22-year-old self has no use for it - in other words there was a lot of trash up in this bitch.

The only drawback of my room thus far is the bed situation. I had to sell my bed from college (a full-sized one) before I moved back due to of lack of space in my dad's truck (my sister was ever so kind of bring her bed the weekend my stuff was supposed to go home when her's for whatever reason didn't go home when it was her turn to send things home two weeks before) so I'm currently sleeping on a futon; not as comfortable as an actual bed but it'll do until I get a real one sometime soon I hope.

The upside to the room is that there's a sweet 32" TV in my room (my room was the guest room while I was away so of course it has entertainment. There's a also a VCR (for my Disney/VHS') and a DVD player in here so I'm pretty much set. I have a Wii which streams Netflix (courtesy of my sister) so this bitch is poppin'! All that's missing is the blue-ray player to use the TV to it's full capabilities (even though the Wii/Netflix combo streams in high-def) but I have one waiting for me in my boyfriends possession!

On an even much more happier tune, I love the way I have set up my room; it makes it look much bigger than it actually is! I've gotten several compliments on it already. There's just a few things that still need to get put away (everything had been put away but I forgot about the things I'd left in my car); let's be honest here, a lot of these things are gonna get shoved under the futon since that's the best place for storage.

Lastly, I have to finish decorating the place. The walls are bare and a shade of orange (my favorite color!) so they need to be decorated. I went to Target today and bought some picture frames on sale - because they weren't cheap enough already - so I just need to put pictures in them and put them up on these walls and make it even more homier. Then I will show the world what it looks like - maybe even my negative 5 readers on here as well.

Finally, remember how I said I was throwing all kinds of crap away wondering why in the world I'd reasoned with myself to keep it? Well, there was one thing I did find that there was no questioning as to why I'd saved it. And here's a picture to illustrate my point:

*NOTE: It looked WAY better a few days ago when it was fresh.

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