25 September 2011

And then I Missed Him.

I've been in a long-distance relationship for over three years. Now, those three plus years haven't been the easiest at times (not because we constantly fight or anything), the distance sometimes does get hard. If you've ever been told that long-distance is easy - well, they kinda lied. It can be easy but every now and then the distance will creep on it. I think the most we've seen each other was Summer of 2010 because I lived at his house with his parents part-time since I hardly had anything to do in RoPo (besides a 3-wk summer class in July) so whenever I got cabin fever I'd sneak away with him to Sacramento so I wouldn't be in the sometimes hell-hole of Rohnert Park. But back to the long distance...

What definitely helps us out is that we talk on the phone every night as well as the occasional skype chat when we're both available. But, as of late, I've been missing him. I miss the cuddling, the hanging-out, as well as the extracurricular activities in the bedroom (ha!).

Anyways, it's been a month since the boyfriend and I have seen each other (the longest we've gone without seeing each other was three weeks, and that was pretty bad) and, all things considered, we've handled the increase of a 2hr. gap to 8hr. gap pretty well. In two weeks, he shall be down here visiting and cheering me on in while I "run" my half-marathon.

Point of the story: I'M EXCITED TO SEE HIM FOR 3 DAYS!! (Until I don't see him for another month that is...)

The boyfriend and I at his brother's wedding. (Yes, I was a bridesmaid)

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