13 August 2011

Moving On

In the past few months there have been several things going on in my life. The first of them was that I moved out of my house mainly because all of my roommates and myself had graduated so we needed to skeedaddle it out of there (not to mention that we were having problems with our live-in manager. Out of this move came me losing my roommate of 4-years Morgan. Morgan and I had been living together since our freshman year when we were paired as suite mates; we always like to say that our of the four of us who started out living together that first year, the two of us stuck it through and found true love. In case curiosity got the best of you, I as well as she are still friends with our other two roommates that year.

Morgan & Myself. How I miss that girl.
2nd change came when I moved it with what was supposed to be two friends but in actuality turned out to be one friend - the other one has been home the entire time and has probably been here time totaling just over a day; which in my mind was pretty silly since I thought I'd be living with two people instead of just one. Oh, well, it's all worked out for the best I'm sure. I'm moving home at the end of the summer (which is now a week away for me) but for now I'm staying put in town because I had to take two GE classes I wasn't able to take before graduation. Now once this class and job are done at the end of the week I'm off back home to Long Beach.

I'm definitely excited but at the same time I'm not. I'm not 100% thrilled about moving back home to the parental home but free rent, free food and free laundry (which is kinda-sorta free as it is at the moment). Mostly, I think it's that I'm not ready to let go of my life here in RoPo yet. Yeah, it's a small town in where mostly everything is closed by 9, but it definitely has its charm. I love the LBC and miss it a lot, but this place has become home in the short four years I've been here. And just this past summer, I've met some awesome people. It  amazes me how much I'm gonna miss this crap-hole of a town.

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