12 August 2011

Graduation 2011

Can you tell that it was a rainy event?

Just because I love this picture of me and my boyfriend at my graduation I thought I should share it with you guys. Not only that, but I just though I should briefly talk about what a wonderful day it was and obviously, what an accomplishment it is for me and my family.

First things first, it was a nice morning in Spring. Considering how much it'd been raining in Sonoma County the past few months it was definitely nice (there's a joke I've heard in town that says we skipped Spring completely and just went straight into summer, which I somewhat have to agree with). Anyhow, my family was in town and so was my boyfriend (who's brother was also graduating - along with his fiancee!) so it was definitely to be a nice family-filled weekend. Now, my roommate's ceremony was in the morning and it was nice and sunny, so we were expecting some good sun for my ceremony, right!?! WRONG!

Just as I left my house with my boyfriend it starts to sprinkle; it's only sprinkling and I could still see clear patches of sky so I wasn't too worried. But when we finally arrived on campus it was pretty much raining so I wasn't too happy from then. The ceremony started just about on time, and I was expecting them to shorten it, but I was glad that they didn't. Though it rained the entire three hours, I'm glad the school didn't rob us of having a full ceremony (as I'd heard they'd done years before when it so happened to rain). Afterwards, the rain stopped and the sun came out and many of us were left to wonder, "Where was this 3 hours ago!?" But hey, at least it was all nice and clear for pictures right?

Like I said before, my sister and I are the first in our family to graduate from college - within a two week span -  so out parents were quite happy with the joyous occasion. Not to mention, my parents and my boyfriend's parents were finally able to meet each other; after 3 years of dating we figured it was about time that the meet & greet finally happened.

Such a great and happy day!

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