04 August 2012


Well, depending on who you ask, I'm either: A) Just engaged or B) I'm FINALLY engaged -- but like I said, it all depends on who you ask. After being together for 4 years my now fiancé thought it was time to pop the question. It was so cute when he told me how nervous he'd been the entire time leading up to it. And the way he did it as well, was something that was definitely our style.

While on a weekend getaway to South Lake Tahoe, we decided we were going to go on a hike and revisit Emerald Bay -- which is a 20 minute drive or so from the California/Nevada stateline (which is where we were staying). Since there was no parking near the Vikingsholm (where was our intended destination) we had to park at the Inspiration Point vista point, just a little over a mile walk/hike away. So, before we headed up there, we stopped at the local Subway to get a couple of foot-longs for lunch. After parking and packing up my camelback and all that other fun stuff, we began our trek out to the start of the trail down to the Vikingsholm. Before we headed down there, we thought we'd find a bench or something so we could each lunch.

Boyfriend C was trying to find the "perfect" spot while I was just trying to find somewhere decent enough to sit so we could eat and sit and so I wouldn't burn my butt (it was a really warm day out). He's out on top on this rock hill saying it's perfect, while I'm walking around it saying I refuse to burn my butt; I end up finding a nice ledge, that's half in the shade, and has the perfect view as well. I tell boyfriend, and pull out the sandwiches and start tearing into one while he walks on over to me. Upon reaching me he said, "Can you put the sandwich down?" and I responded with a "WHY!?"

He just replies with a, "Can you just put it down?" and I say "Okay, fine." He then proceeds to recite the chorus of The Beatles' "Do You Want to Know a Secret?" and then gets down on one knee and simply says, "Will you marry me?" I managed to sneak in a "Are you proposing right now?" in there.

After saying no -- he knew I was kidding when I said it -- and officially saying yes, he told me the story about how he went about asking my father's permission and pretty much telling everybody and their mom that he was going to propose that weekend. After telling people the story, they all said that it was very "us" the way it happened; I'm thinking the sandwiches had something to do with it.

Me in all my excitement.

Overall, it was a nice surprise to a fun filled weekend. The day only got better when we hit up the Maroon 5 concert that I won tickets to (more on that later). The engagement is still sinking in for sure, but I'm super excited about it all! Not only that, but I'm surprised at the overwhelming response and joy that we've getting and how much people want to help me plan my future wedding. Which, by the way, is just a little over a year away now.

This one will definitely be framed seeing as this is where he proposed.

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