23 August 2012

Free Weekend Getaway? Don't Mind If I Do.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I got to go to South Lake Tahoe for a couple a nights and see Maroon 5 in a sold-out concert all for the low cost of $0. How is that possible you might ask? Well, let me tell you just how.

One Monday morning, the Monday before July 4th to be exact, my boyfriend and I woke up some time around 7:40; as is my habit, I grabbed my phone and made the rounds of checking my email, the morning's headlines and checked out my Facebook news reel. I'm a fan (on Facebook that is) of a local radio station here in Sacramento. I saw a post from them that said something about winning tickets to go see Maroon 5 in concert, but one had to qualify to win first; and by qualifying one would win their newly released album. All I had to do was tune in around 8 in the morning to find out how to qualify. So, what do I do? Seeing as I'm still on my phone at this point, I immediately go on their website and listen to the live stream that they have available. As soon as they said, "Be caller 103 to qualify" after announcing the contest, you can bet your balls I was dialing their  like a mad woman to  win. Several times, all I got was a busy signal; one time the phone rang and rang and I hung up because I didn't want to lose precious time trying to be the winning caller. After several more busy signals, I got through to a ring. At this point, I decided that it no one answers by the time the total call time reached 30 seconds, I was going to hang up and try again. But as luck would have it, that's not how things were going to go.

One the second to last ring before I was going to hang up, I heard the line click. On the other end I hear a man come on and say, "So, you ever wake up and find out that Adele's baby isn't your baby?" and I responded with, "That happens to me all the time." I thought someone was fucking with me but I decided to play along just in case. Eventually, he got to the  main point, "Are you a Maroon 5 fan?" and I responded with, "HUGE Maroon 5 fan." That's when he congratulated me on being caller 103 and how I'd won the CD and qualified to win the big prize: a hotel stay for 2 nights and two tickets to the sold out show. I'd find out if I'd won or not the following Friday if they called me before 8am. So, I shivered with anticipation (see what I did there?) for the rest of the week because I really wanted to win.

Come Friday morning, I was laying in bed with then boyfriend C (I say "then boyfriend" because if you've read my previous posts you know how that one ended up) and low and behold, my phone rang. It was from an unknown and private number, but I answered anyhow because it could've been an emergency for all I knew. But, wouldn't you know it, it was the radio station. After dicking around with me for a while, they told me that I'd won the whole shebang, and I've never had my heart beat so fast in all my life (if you don't count embarrassing moments). Who would've thought then that that weekend would turn out to be the best weekend of my life?

The winning tickets that came with some sweet seats.

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