31 October 2014

Recap and Highlights on my Wedding.

Now, if you will recall I attributed a long absence from this blog to planning a wedding -- the second one however, I'm still working on it.

I just want to take this moment to say: THANK GOODNESS THAT'S ALL OVER AND DONE WITH. To be honest, I would never wish planning a wedding upon anyone. Yeah, some will say it's easy and stress free and I would totally agree! Although I'm sure over half of the people who say that probably don't have a budget to stick to. My husband and I were smooth sailing for the most part, that is until his mom decided to do a little too much. I won't get into specifics but I felt that she was voicing her opinions on things that she shouldn't have even had a say in. BUT it the long run, we had the most perfect wedding anyone can ask for. We both were just so happy to have our nearest and dearest there to celebrate with us. I, of course, was most excited about wearing orange shoes and having orange flowers -- and getting married of course.

We (as in my mother and I) were both also very excited because we got to see all that careful planning of an entire year pay off and come to life. I also have to thank my sister and mother for all that they helped with. My mother for holding down the fort and helping me do things (since I don't live where our wedding went down) and being my eyes from afar. My sister for giving me ideas and for taking all the random ideas I had and helping to make them into one concrete idea. It was a very hands on wedding, lots of DYI in order to stay in budget.

One piece of advice I will give you is that you should totally go for it and get a videographer. My brother and sister-in-law didn't have one, and upon seeing our completed video, they both said it would've been kinda nice to have one. I don't know why a lot of people on the internet and by word of mouth advise people against it. Most of my wedding day was a big blur to me. It just went by so fast and so much was happening that I didn't really have a chance to take it 100% in as I would've been able to had I been a guest. Getting our video helped us remember so much that we'd both already forgotten and be able to see things as our guest saw it. We're absolutely happy we spent the extra money for it! If you're lucky enough find someone that will do both the photo and video for your wedding. We got lucky because someone I went to middle school with actually worked with his dad doing photo and video for Quinces, Weddings, and other events. I always vote for the small family business in that sense! I also say we got lucky because since he and I already knew each other we didn't have to go through that awkward first meeting or anything and were just able to get into the details of what we were looking for.

Without further ado, here is a condensed look at our wedding as well the amazing work that our videographer did as well. Such a beautiful treasure for us! Enjoy!

Chris + Stephanie Wedding Highlights from BRG Photo & Video on Vimeo.

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