22 March 2013

This is me.... (Part II)

...living THE life. Just another Friday night, thinking about how not awesome my life is. And by "not awesome" I mean I'm not where I wanted to be/thought I would be. But oh well gonna take my fresh new blunt to the movies.

I'm cool. Definitely gonna have some stories for the kids....

11 March 2013

This is me....

...living the life right now.

Mainly it's just been a loong day and it's doubling as a celebratory bowl since I know I aced BOTH of my tests in my accounting classes today.

Ah, to be living the life of a quasi-adult with no REAL job responsibilities. Trust me, it's not all it's cracked out to be BUT like I've always said it's important to keep it recreational (as I've always had).
Here's to better things to come in the future!! (I'm toasting you guys with that bottle of Cab, btw).

Only in America.

Now, before anybody tries to sass me about the post title, when I say "America" I mean the US. America just had a better ring to it.

To the point of the post:

The United States is the so-called "melting pot" and every now and then the proof of it slaps me in the face. Because honestly, where else but in the US can a Guatemalan-American share a fat blunt with her awesome Iraqi-immigrant co-worker?!? I ask you: WHERE?!?!

Probably not top many places, eh...? Well, that's exactly what happened last week. ALWAYS and ONLY after work, he and I hotbox a car and just chill and have nice chats. You might find it odd that we hang out like that because its no secret that's he's a married almost father of four (the last one is still in the oven). That fact makes many forget that he's only 29 so, when you throw that in, it's easier to understand why we get along so well. Anyhow, last week, I needed a ride home and he was kind enough to help a sista out (turns out he doesn't live all that far from me either) and we smoke a blunt on the way home. He's a super cool and chill guy and, as per usual, had me laughing the entire ride home. My favorite is when he talks about his friends/acquaintances because they're all "motherfucker assholes;" while that's not generally funny, the way it sounds with his Arabic accent is quite hilarious. Kinda stoked that I have a new smoking buddy (and a new friend in general) since I don't have many of those here in Sac that aren't by association with the fiancé.

Point of the story? Weed + American + Iraqi + hot boxing = only in America.

06 March 2013

The Naughty Corner

This is probably one of the most random thoughts I've ever had in a long while, but you (and I mean me) have to enjoy the random thoughts and epiphanies I have at work. These thoughts have lead to us selecting our wedding date and other ideas and plans for it, as well as dinner ideas; not to mention they've lead to some creative, yet delicious sushi rolls.

Anyhow, I was thinking the other day how fiancé and I have a spot in the house which I have deemed "The F**k Corner." What is this aforementioned corner you say? Well, it's the place in the house where we always seem to bang (outside of the bedroom) and get all kinds of creative with. Now I won't identify where in our apartment the corner is in case any people who know me/come over to my place read this. We tend to be traditional for the most part, but, every now and then, we just don't make to the bed/bedroom floor and this tends to be our go to spot. We had a similar thing like this in our old place, but instead of a corner it was a more like a spot where fun times would go down.

Point of the story? This corner has resulted in many a good time in the short three months we've lived there and who knows the corner might be abandoned for a different spot in our little love nest. We definitely play a game of favorites...