01 December 2011

Leaving Home. AGAIN.

So, at the end of summer I was kind of excited about moving back home again. Hey, free rent, food, and laundry!?!? What's not to like. Then, came the most dreaded and kind of exciting part of it all: finding a job.

Now, when I first moved back home, I was really optimistic about the job market back home since I lived in a big town and would have full access to a car and reliable public transportation system again. Soon, the weeks started to go by and I was having no luck finding a job, I should be more specific - I was having no luck getting called back. I wasn't looking for a job in my field (psychology) specifically I was just looking for A JOB. The main thing on the back of my mind being the fact that my school loan was going to go into collection in March of next year, and I wanted to have some money put away so any saved funds could offset that new monthly payment I would have for about a year or so. Again, no luck. I even interviewed with Disneyland and they didn't want me. HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU OVERQUALIFIED TO WORK AT DISNEYLAND?!?!

Anyways, fast forward a couple of weeks and my boyfriend and I concoct a plan: if nothing has happened by the end of October, I'd come up, spend a month in Sacramento (where he lives) and look for a job; if nothing happened by the end of November, I'd come back home again and well, we'd be back at square one. So, after he came for visits in October for my half-marathon (DID I MENTION THAT I RAN A HALF-MARTHON!?!? more on that later) things got sped up for the 2nd week of October since that when places were hiring in Sac for the holidays and what not.

So, after asking/telling my parents about my plan, which they were surprisingly very supportive of, I packed my bags (all two of them) and came to Sac. Low and behold, not 5 days later, I had a job. Kinda miss home, but I'm happy with the way things are going. REALLY miss cooking and BAKING a lot though).

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