01 February 2013

Updates on Life: Lack of Internet Leads to a Lack of Posts

It's been about 6 months (I'm guessing) since I last showed signs of life on here. In that time span I've been working like a beast, going to school, moved out of one place and into another and not to mention planning a wedding as well. I think the biggest contribution to my lack of post is not having regular internet access since mid-October.

At my old place, when fiancé and I still had a roommate, our internet started acting up for no reason so we couldn't really use it. I had to go all the way to Starbucks to mooch their free interwebs and even then I only had time to do homework. Now in our new place, fiancé and I are too cheap to get internet- granted we both have smartphones so we're not completely cut off. I do have the mobile app for my blog, but I don't like using it since there "keyboard" on a phone is WAAAYYY too small. Anywhoo, I will now have regular internet access thanks to the local library being right across the street and they have Wi-Fi. PRAISE ALLAH AND ALL THOSE OTHER DEITIES!

Now, onto updates as to where I will be going from here on out:

1. I'm still in school so there rants about frustation, too much reading, figuring out what's next is to be expected.

2. I still plan on doing those book/movie reviews I talked about once upon a time and have lots of those planned so an onslaught of those should also be expected in the upcoming weeks.

3. I still love eating and cooking/baking anything I can so I expect to get more entries with recipes for things I've made or things I've eaten and found delightfully delicious.

4. As I've mentioned before, I'm planning a wedding so I'll post some sneak peeks to somethings. I've seen girls that post EVERYTHING about it on specialized wedding blogs, but I feel that takes away the surprise of it all (especially is all of your friends are reading those posts).

5. Life happens. That should be self-explanatory.

Lastly, the actual update part: Fiancé and I have our own place now and I love it. We can bone anywhere we want without worrying if our roommate is gonna walk in on us (except the couch- that shit is brand new and I'm not trying to defile it especially since I haven't gotten around to buying Scotch guard for it). I feel like I'm actually finally becoming a resident of the city I live in since I'm starting to know where stuff is - not just the basic things. I still miss home terribly but I do try to go back as often as I can. Braces fucking suck. I don't understand how all the kids in middle school had them. It especially sucks right now because I can't have beer. Pliny the Younger 2013 is happening though. Weight loss is happening and I'm excited about it; I have a wedding to look good for. Definitely been charging through the books, so I have lots of material to write about. Movies: I feel like I live at the theater so that's something to be excited about as well.

Well, that's it for now. Until next time...